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We are now accepting registrations for the ‘Fall’ 2024 session!
Registrations for the Fall 2024 session is due Sunday, June 9th, 2023.
Student reporters write articles for potential publication in The Korea Daily (Joongang Ilbo) as well as the website at www.EduBridgePlus.com & www.KoreaDailyUS.com. Although The Korea Daily is the largest Korean-language newspaper in the United States, JSR articles are written in English.
During the session, students will plan, write, and revise an article every three weeks. Under the supervision of editors, they will work to revise these articles for potential publication.
*JSR is for high-schoolers (9-12th grade), and J-JSR is for Jr. High students (7-8th grade). (Application grades are based on 2024 Fall semester)
New Editors are asked to provide a recommendation – not from a family member – that attests specifically to their leadership ability, in addition to the Personal Statement.
All students should submit a current photograph of themselves (a headshot, not a selfie). Please email these documents to jstudentboard@gmail.com.
–New JSR students: $400
–Continuing/returning JSR students: $300
–New J-JSR students: $250
–Continuing/returning J-JSR students: $200
**$50 discount if you have a paid-subscription account with The Korea Daily newspaper.
NOTE: For a $50 discount, you must put correct information associated with The Korea Daily paid subscription account in the registration form. The information MUST match our record. If you are not sure about your paid-subscription information (account number), please call us at 213)368-2577 to verify.
Students selected as editors receive a full scholarship to the program but must maintain their editorial responsibilities in order to keep it.
▶To pay via credit card (VISA/Mastercard), click the applicable button:
※ You may also mail a check,
Payable to “The Korea Daily,” to: Korea Daily J Student Reporters / 690 Wilshire Pl. / Los Angeles, CA 90005. Also, please write student’s name on the memo.
Please include payment with your registration. Please still apply even if you do not think that you can pay the fee — JSR offers scholarships to students who need financial assistance. To receive a scholarship form, ask for one by emailing jstudentboard@gmail.com. Students who apply for editorial positions may defer payment until after reporter selections are made.