There were 22 sponsors that were present on the day of the race, either presenting projects or having people sample their organic and environment-friendly products. Sponsors included the berry-growing company Driscoll’s, several soccer groups like Chivas and Leones Negros with their mascots, and Selva Negra, an organization that actively participates in the conservation of the different environments in Mexico.
“In total, 20 organizations that raise awareness for the environment participated in the fair held at the same time as the race inside the school. The event was held on that particular day because it was Earth Week, which is celebrated all throughout the world,” stated Alejandro Garza, the organizer of the event, to JSR.
Half of the money raised from the event will be donated to the Education Scholarship Foundation (ESF), which supports students from the ASFG by granting yearly scholarships to outstanding students. The other half will be donated to various organizations in order to raise awareness for the environment or to aid in projects like habitat conservation.
“Not only does the event raise awareness for Earth Week, but it also impacts the students at ASFG because of the money raised to go towards scholarships that help many of the students here in receive an education they couldn’t get at another school,” said Maritza Castro, a participant of the race.
“The Green Race is a great way to lead by example and to challenge other people to participate in taking care of the environment. You don’t necessarily have to do something huge to take part in making a positive impact on the environment. You can also participate in these kinds of events too,” said Castro.
The Green Race is a prime example of how small contributions mean a lot when people come together to accomplish a goal.
“Participating in these kinds of events rekindle some hope for the environment,” Castro concluded, “and it is lovely to see how people get together and support each other to literally run towards the same goal, which is making an impact in the world.”