Every so often, high schools and other organizations will host blood drives, and there is always a great scramble among the students tasked with finding donors. Even after promises of free food, there are not many willing participants. Despite the reluctance and refusal to donate blood, where and why do all these blood drives continue to appear?
[Source: www.shoppingsouthparkmall.com]
So, why should we donate blood? According to the American Red Cross, it “feels great”, “is something you can spare”, and “you will be someone’s hero.” For every pint of blood donated, three lives are saved. According to the World Health Organization, “blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person – the gift of life.” Donating blood is not only beneficial to the one receiving, but also to the one giving.
With that in mind, on Monday, June 11, 2018, from 10am-4pm, a Red Cross sponsored blood drive will be held at the Joonang Gallery (690 Wilshire Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90005, Basement Gallery) that will be student run and student centered. Volunteers have been given the task of enlisted as many donors as possible, but even then sometimes only half the donors will have the chance to participate after various preliminary questionnaires and tests. So, we are putting the call out for all to come and donate!
Many people, friends and teachers included, believe blood drives to be a waste of time, but even a minute of effort and blood can save a life. How often do you get the chance to do something that could so profoundly affect another person’s life? How often is it that your blood, of which you usually have an excess amount of, could be used for another person? How often is it that you are marked as an important and valued member of society?
Blood drives are important, and we, as members of a compassionate society, can acknowledge the importance of donating blood by simply participating in blood drives. We encourage everyone, students to adults, to come participate in this year’s student run, student centered blood drive and help change someone’s life! If you have any questions, would like further information, or set an appointment, please contact Whitney at gatewayvalencia@gmail.com
Jonathan Bae, Grade 11
West Ranch High School