Through MUN, students are able to gain a better understanding of how the real United Nations tackles world issues and creates feasible solutions to those problems. Moreover, students are able to practice diplomacy while generating creative solutions, as well as cooperate with other student delegates to “solve” some of the urgent international issues we face today.
Unlike any other MUN conference, however, SKYMUN is unique in that it allows for novice delegates/chairs to experience the vigorous nature of the conferences, veterans to enhance their skill, and mentors to guide younger students in the correct path. Accordingly, SKYMUN tends to be a first for many things, whether it be the delegate’s first time chairing, first time main-submitting, or even first time participating in a conference. By taking part, one brushes up on their research skills, learns to take responsibility, and understands the need for cooperation.
Although this was not her first conference, it was Jennifer Rhee’s first time as a delegate on the Disarmament Committee.
“SKYMUN helped me develop more confidence, a key component when making speeches and asking [questions],” Jennifer said. “SKYMUN has a more relaxed environment than other conferences because it is more geared towards beginners, and this allowed me to worry less about making mistakes. I was able to then speak with more conviction, which made the debates much more enjoyable.”
Similarly, Juna Jang, a first-time chair at SKYMUN, expressed her appreciation for this conference seeing that it allowed her to ease her way into a more challenging position in her MUN path. “I won’t lie; at the start of the MUN experience the expectations may seem overwhelming and daunting,” Juna added. “But by the time the conference comes around, all the effort put into it pays off, and all the stress is worth it.”