During this time of online schooling, many students may find it difficult to participate or pay attention during their school Zoom classes. Clubs and volunteer opportunities are all online, so students should be knowledgeable about proper Zoom call etiquette. Because it is difficult to partake in extracurriculars or volunteer during these times, establishing a club at school can be a great way to not only gain experience as a leader, but also share your hobbies with other students.
Before starting a club, there are many things you may want to do. It is important to advertise and get a few members in order to officially start the club. It is also important to advertise to other students and inform them about the benefits of joining the club. Students can make posters to share with friends and post on social media, allowing their peers to take a look at their club information. If a school has a club rush, students should make sure to get confirmation from their teachers, counselor, or club manager before presenting their club to other students. When clubs are officially established, students should have a contact list of their club members or make an agenda to keep dates or upcoming events organized.
After establishing a club, it is now the time to start meetings with members. Because, for many, this year school is conducted on Zoom, club meetings will mostly be online as well. It is important to look professional and make a great first impression to other students, so that they are motivated to come to future meetings. Zoom call etiquette applies to not only club meetings, but it is especially crucial to connect with other club members and help them be engaged in club meetings. The first step to a successful Zoom club meeting is to prepare beforehand and even rehearse if necessary. This will help students feel more ready and prepared for their meeting, especially if it is their first time hosting. Secondly, turning on the camera and maintaining eye contact is crucial. Students may think that doing this is not important, however, there is a big difference when you can see the speaker. Turning on cameras, smiling at your fellow members, and keeping eye contact can help other students be more engaged during the meeting. In addition, to encourage participation from your club members, you can include interactive activities such as Kahoot and Mentimeter. Using these resources will help when there is no participation during a Zoom meeting or if your members look especially bored or tired.
Using the techniques mentioned above, students can successfully host club meetings through Zoom. Even though it might be difficult to start a club at school, it is a great experience to build leadership skills and share your interests with other students.