Ethan Ivy, a freshman at West Ranch High School, told JSR, “Last semester, I didn’t manage my time well, so I didn’t do so well; this time, I have started preparing very early. I like to watch educational videos online and perform a lot of practice problems.”
Though students like Ivy use online resources, others use more traditional methods.
Al Aguero, who also attends West Ranch, said, “[For the finals,] I usually review my class notes and read the textbook; for practice, I answer the questions and do the exercises.”
Many students enjoy studying and working with a group of fellow classmates or the teacher. Working with other people can often aid in answering questions or understanding concepts.
Isaiah Cuahutle, another freshman at West Ranch, told JSR, “Forming study groups with my friends helps me a lot because I feel like groups work better than individuals.”
Another popular method that many use is making flashcards with the key concepts for the class.
Freshman Isaac Perez, who is enrolled in vigorous AP and honor classes, explained, “My finals are pretty tough… My favorite thing to do is to make flashcards and look at them whether I’m at home [or] in the car.”
Upperclassmen, who have more experience, also shared their methods.
Phil Olivero, a senior at West Ranch, said, “The best way to study, in my opinion, is to purchase supplemental aids from Barron’s, Kaplan, and other companies… They provide helpful tips and practice questions… These aids helped me with the SAT, AP exams, and school finals.”
Yet Sean O’Shea, another senior, told JSR that supplemental materials aren’t necessary.
“After four years of having high school experience,” O’Shea offered, “I think the best way [to study] is to just familiarize yourself with the textbook and truly understand the content.”