Introducing our JJSR 4!
[Source:, Screenshot by Author, Whitney M. Ahn]
JJSR is not very competitive, but it requires a lot of time management skills and utmost effort in order to report timely news that affects the students, their schools, and their communities. The students of 4 JJSR are now student reporters for their schools and communities through December of 2019. They will be working arduously to report on the impactful things that are happening around them.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Chief Editor and a select few will be chosen for publication which is one of the major perks of the program. We look forward to the plethora of topics that are and will be submitted throughout the semester and we highly anticipate great reporting of events in and around our student’s schools and communities.
The main goal of the JJSR program is to get students more interested in the current issues around them and improve their writing skills for the future. However, the program also offers students a deeper look into the world of journalism and leadership. And, many of our JJSR students will move up into our larger, more competitive JSR Program.
The J Student Reporter Program has been very successful in the past and we look forward to yet another successful semester! Please keep a continual eye out for our student reporter articles!
Whitney M. Ahn
Program Coordinator/Chief Editor
Caption A: Let us present to you our 4 JJSR Reporters!
[Source:, Screenshot by Author, Whitney M. Ahn]