[Source: Author, Aleen H. Kim]
This could be the same for students under the pressure of taking the ACT. One of the main factors leading to stress may also be opinion of the student’s parents. Many parents force their child to dedicate themselves to a test whether it’s taking the test too early or hiring tutors when in the end, it should be the child’s decision.
In many perspectives of professors and students, SAT is highly assumed to be the best combination with high-school GPA. Colleges would give students a higher first-year success. After a year of analytics, researchers have observed that many students have slowly favored ACT because of the student friendlier format and the increase in popularity.
The 21st century is a century of technology, where students are surrounded by resourceful data and easily accessible information. Turning to a computer and searching about the different prospects of SAT and ACT takes a matter of seconds. Taking advantage of technology limited to past students will benefit many confused students. However, many sites may seem controversial and unrelated to students, but the web is an ocean full of a variety of information.
Every student has different strengths and weaknesses for SAT and ACT. These are two different tests that require different strategies and approaches. While SAT may be critical about reading and writing, the ACT mainly focuses on time management and broader academic knowledge. Practicing and researching about both tests is essential. In the end, it’s up to the student to choose SAT or ACT which may be a life-changing decision.