During the pandemic and this time of social distancing, my family has come to own several candles which are scattered throughout the house. At some point, my father brought home a candle, and from then we were hooked and continued to buy more and more. I remember the first time we used a candle in our current house; to get the smell of fish out after a long day of cooking. Afterwards, the home smelled faintly of citrus, which I very much enjoy. From then on candles became a staple in our household. Whether it was to disperse a noxious odor or to help relax during a bath, the subtle smells of the candles would fill up a room. I became used to the various smells that would spread through the house. Currently, our family owns eight different candles, and we use them During the pandemic and this time of social distancing, my family has come to own several candles which are scattered throughout the house. At some point, my father brought home a candle, and from then we were hooked and continued to buy more and more. I remember the first time we used a candle in our current house; to get the smell of fish out after a long day of cooking. Afterwards, the home smelled faintly of citrus, which I very much enjoy. From then on candles became a staple in our household. Whether it was to disperse a noxious odor or to help relax during a bath, the subtle smells of the candles would fill up a room. I became used to the various smells that would spread through the house. Currently, our family owns eight different candles, and we use them on a daily basis. Some scents are fruit based like pineapple coconut, while others are plant based, such as white aspen.
One day I realized that before the pandemic my family never really used candles. When I think of candles I usually think of a medieval scene, before the invention of electricity, where fire was the only source of light, something that had become irrelevant after the invention of flashlights and lightbulbs. It was only after we started to utilize them I realized how useful they are. During Hurricane Isaias, our power went out, and we were able to use the candles as sources of light for 5 days, until the electricity returned. After that we would buy all sorts of candles, whether they were in packs of 50 from Ikea, or larger ones with three wicks that were fairly heavy.
I also noticed that I would feel relaxed when candles were lit. As it turns out, candles and oils are used in aromatherapy and are known to relieve stress and reduce anxiety. Chryssa Chalkia, a licensed therapist, says that candles stimulate the part of the brain in control of emotions and memory. Studies have even shown that scented candles can improve psychological imbalances such as depression. Therapists associate different smells from candles with different effects on a person. For example, citrus is said to improve mood, lavender helps to relax, and cinnamon gives a feeling of being refreshed.
Whether it is used as a source of light, to perfume a room, or even to alleviate stress, candles have a wide range of uses, and I highly recommend them for use. There are many various scents and finding one that you enjoy could help you relax.