[Source: Plant Based New]
What is a vegan or veganism? Veganism or those who are vegan are those that practice the abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals.
Recently around the world, veganism has been rapidly growing, but many farmers feel threatened by animal welfare activists. One well known activist group, Save Moment, took part in a nonviolent approach as they held vigils outside slaughterhouses. But the farmers claim that they are not able to sleep because of the activists turning up at their farms and abattoirs at night.
Alison Waugh, a trainee farmer in Northumberland states that she had received death threats, such as being called a “murderer” or a “rapist,” and believes that these animal welfare groups are “overstepping the mark.” She finds it quite ironic when these activist worry for the welfare of these animals but sends messages such as “I hope you and your family go die in a hole.”
These extreme vegan groups going to the extent of staking out until the animals are put in the trucks so they can ”bear witness’’ of what the animals experience. They even stand outside meat aisles in markets and take graphic videos of the animals being slaughtered. The activists do this because they believe that technology, such as phones, is able to show people their opinions and get them to connect with the animals.
[Source: BBC]
An Instagram star and lead activist, Joey Carbstrong, filmed a video for his program, and saw an opportunity to take this protest a step further. He and other activists trespassed a slaughter house in Liverpool once they realized that the pigs were not brought through the front gate. The police came and escorted them off the property and a tense fight between the workers and protests followed. This video went viral and spread across the Save Moment Facebook and Instagram feeds. It was viewed over 17,000 times on Joey’s Youtube, as well as earned 4,500 shares.
A senior at Gahr High School, Jamie Kim, believes that before judging vegan activist groups for their actions, we should look deeper into the situation and learn why vegans feel this way.
Kaitlyn Kang, Grade 10
Gahr High School