Everyone should have access to clean water [Source: Delaware Liberal]“Over 20% of our world’s population don’t have access to a vital resource that is necessary for human life,” stated by professor John Ahart at Hart High School. Each year 10 million people die because from not having this vital resource for consumption and other uses. Nearly all 10 million of those deaths occur in places where they don’t have access to it. Out of our total population. 20% is roughly 1.5 billion people and every year 10 million people die. The vital resource that everyone seems to take lightly is clean water.
Without clean water, it is extremely hard to survive. That’s why clean water should be a basic human right. Then these companies are making water available but for such high prices that the people can’t afford it and they are forced to use dirty water. Water is also used for sanitation and out of those 10 million deaths around 8 million of those deaths are from bad sanitation caused from the dirty water. In the documentary Flow, it states that “2 million people die every year from waterborne diseases,” which account for the rest of the world’s death from no clean water. Privatization from these companies that seek economic gain from the suffering of others because they don’t have clean water is wrong and a violation of what should be a basic human right. Jackson Dow, Hart High School Sophomore, tells JSR, “I think it is cruel and inhumane that only some people get to have access to clean water. It should be available for every man, woman, and child regardless of race, religion, color, creed, and sexual orientation.”
Many with no access to clean water utilize the ponds and lakes nearby even though they are dirty [Source: World Vision International]The problem with water being a basic human right is getting cheap, affordable water for the poor countries. The solution is simple. During the video Flow, and the how water problem around the world is arising a solution was found and is being used in some countries in India. Additionally the video Flow states that for only two dollars a year “families get access to clean water from places that use UV lighting to clean the water and use little energy and works to kill 99.99% of the microorganisms”. These cheap means of getting clean water to people in need of it also provides jobs for the people working it and it only takes a cheap piece of machinery. If we were to just put down a couple of these UV lighting plants in all the countries without access to affordable clean water, we could prevent millions of deaths each year.
Clean water which is so important to the daily lives of everyone for survival should be given as a public service or at least for cheap because it is necessary for survival. With an easy solution at hand we could give people without access to clean water, their basic human right and save the lives of many.