[Source: Associated Press, Marcio Jose Sanchez]
Have you noticed that it rains more recently than in the past? Do you remember that California was suffering from a drought just four years ago? The rains in Southern California rarely come and go, especially during the winter. But, it seems as though precipitation levels are rising.
California residents of over 20 years are saying that this wet rainy season is a first and they are not complaining. Fortunately, when the rain falls, the earth absorbs the rain and becomes the basic source of human and animal and plant life. A good amount of rain is beneficial in many ways. However, rain in Southern California causes much more problems such as traffic accidents and flooding making lives just a bit more uncomfortable. The frequent rainfall has also caused temporary blackouts throughout certain cities.
So then why does it seem like it is suddenly raining so much? Many attribute the increase in rainfall to global warming and climate change. Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide. We do not know the extent of how global warming affects us but we do know it will have a lot of negative effects on us. It has become very important that we, as citizens of the world, realize the seriousness of global warming.

[Source: Associated Press, Susan Walsh]
So what should we do? We should investigate and practice how we can reduce global warming and inform others. For example, vehicles are one of the biggest producers of carbon dioxide. If we can find alternate modes of transportation we could help reduce pollutants that contribute to global warming.
Another way to help decrease global warming is to use solar panels. Solar panels absorb sunlight as a source of energy to generate electricity. Sunlight is one of our natural resources, so if we use the solar panel, we can help decrease nuclear power plants and thermal power plants. As a result, using solar panels help reduce global energy consumption.
With various options available, it is important that we come together to help reduce the effects of global warming. The rain that has fallen on Southern California and continues to fall maybe beneficial but too much can also become a problem. A change in climate changes not just the weather but also the culture.
Yoseop Kim, Grade 9
Crescenta Valley High School