Many abnormal phenomena exist around the globe, triggering scientists to investigate possible sources of such irregularities.
The Bermuda Triangle is well known for tales of unexplainable disappearances of ships and airplanes that pass through the triangular region in the Atlantic Ocean. It is enclosed by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, covering about 500,000 square miles ( Numerous airplanes and ships that passed through this area have vanished without a trace, leaving many people curious
[Source: FreeWorldMap]
Many wonder about the cause of complete ships and airplanes disappearing. ‘Is this a specific Bermuda Triangle phenomenon or are these just accidents?’ Many researchers have investigated this area to generate explanations for such bizarre happenings. Both scientific hypothesis and mythical or supernatural stories have been formulated to explain possible cause.
Some scientific theories include the methane gas theory, Sargasso Sea theory, and black hole theory. The methane gas theory states that a high concentration of methane gas under the sea might be affecting the density of the sea. Moreover, wind doesn’t blow in Sargasso Sea, located at the center of Bermuda Triangle and surrounded by the ocean currents. Therefore, some individuals proclaim that historically, many ships have been trapped in this region and due to low density, they sank (bermuda attractions).
Recently, scientists have theorized that extreme weather conditions, which might have caused hexagonal clouds formation, might be the cause of the mysterious disappearances. These hexagonal clouds can create “air bombs,” which fall from the sky and hit the ocean, creating massive waves. Moreover, these waves also result in fast blowing winds (iflscience, bermuda attractions).
[Source: Bermuda Attractions]
Along with various scientific theories regarding the triangular phenomenon, some other individuals believe in supernatural theories. The Bermuda Triangle is believed to be the location where the Atlantis sank, and this lost city had great technology based on crystal energy. Therefore, some believe that the incidents in this area might have been caused by crystal radiation. Another explanation is that outer space creatures, such as aliens, abducted humans.
Despite all the theories regarding Bermuda Triangle, no single one is agreed upon as the absolute truth and thus, the Bermuda triangle still remains as one greatest mysteries in ocean.
Seunghyeon Shim, Grade 11
West Ranch high school