The state of California, known for its perpetual sunny days and torrid weather, seems to be lagging behind whenever the colder seasons roll around. While all the other states in America enjoy the changing leaves and colder climates, California and its people are left behind in the admittedly-aggravating hot temperatures. Even recently, just when the fall temperatures seemed to have reached California, we have warmer temperature up ahead.
[Source: Pinterest]
Another Valencia High student agreed, saying, “I just wish California would experience the same seasonal transitions as all the other states, but instead it just feels like it’s summer all year long.” The lack of temperature fluctuation in and out of seasons obviously a major complaint.
Major retailers have already began their fall campaigns and it’s the chilly temperatures, fuzzy sweaters and scarves, and warm, toasted, earthy flavors that define the fall and winter season, but many Californians feel like they’re missing out on the key elements that make the colder months idyllic.
Even on social media, there are aesthetic posts and pictures of autumn leaves, crystal white snow, and bright, burning candles to get people in the fall and winter spirit. Those pictures are very relatable and applicable, that is, to the rest of the United States. However, that is definitely not the case in California, where seeing a flake of snow is a rarity.
[Source: Pulse Headlines]