Concerns are growing as the Zika virus outbreaks continue in most areas in the Central and South America. The World Health Organization declared that the Zika virus is a public health emergency due to the health problems. The World Health Organization agency said that the emergency is warranted because of the wide spread of the mosquito-borne virus. The world is worried that the virus is spreading far and fast, with devastating consequences. The virus is a serious birth defect for pregnant women as it is closely linked to the microcephaly, an abnormally small brain and head. The world is facing another public health emergency, after the respiratory virus, MERS.
As time passes by, the more and more nations are infected by the Zika Virus and declared states of emergency. The bite of Aedes aegypti species of mosquito, a potential carrier, transmits the virus which, the same virus that transmits dengue fever. The typical symptoms include fever, joint pain, and conjunctivitis. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said approximately five people infected with the virus show symptoms, approximately. The severe complications are rare; however, it is dangerous for pregnant women as the virus is linked links to the serious birth defect, microcephaly.
There are at least 54 people infected with the Zika virus in the United States. In theThe recent case of Dallas, Texas, the virus was transmitted through sexual contact from an infected traveler. After the sexually transmitted case in Dallas, the official at U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new guidelines for travelers to use contraception appliance after the trip to Zika active areas. Not only from U.S Centers for Disease Control but the U.S Food and Drug Administration also said to “rapidly implement appropriate donnor deferral recommendations” to prevent the broad spread of disease in the United States.
Florida has the highest number of people who are infected with the virus. There are total of 12 people affected in Florida. The Florida declared a state emergency in five counties and ordered tests so as to help identify the disease. The United States territory has at least 22 people who have been reported to be infected with the virus. Puerto Rico also declared a state emergency due to the ongoing spread in the region.
Since the outbreak of Zika virus is severe all around the world, both federal and states government should work together to decrease the number of infected people in the United States. The United States has a small number of individuals who are transmitted; however, it does not guarantee the States will be safe. The government should try effectively to solve the world-hazardous virus crisis happening in the world.