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For some students, it may be the start of a new school. However, for seniors, it’s their last year in high school and the time to consider their future goals and there are several options. Some may plan on going to the Army, start working, or go to college. For seniors that plan on going to college, they need to start considering their future and see what college matches best.
Essays are one of the major requirements in college applications. Most college essay topics are about who you truly are as a person. For instance, what you do outside of school or some achievement you’re proud of. However, it isn’t that easy. “Of course. I had to plan out which colleges fit best for me. It wasn’t that easy since I had to write several essays.”, said Hana, one of the 2018 graduates.
For others, writing essays about themselves seemed like an easy task. “Most of the college essays that I wrote was mostly about who I am as a person, aside from grades. I really liked having to write who I am and to describe myself to show how unique I am.,” said Julie. College essays allow students to show their personality and display their uniqueness.
However, planning college applications doesn’t necessarily mean just writing the perfect college essays. It is also important to consider other factors such as the environment of the school, whether the school can provide the best aid for your future goals, and etc. With over 5,300 colleges around the U.S, seniors have a wide arrange of options to consider. That is why it is important to research the colleges that fit your dream school and see all aspects of which college would provide the best aid to achieve your future goals.
Some people may see that colleges only care about numbers, (as in GPA, SAT/ACT scores, AP cores, etc.) however, it is also to showcase your uniqueness of who you are as a person.
Lucy Jin, Grade 12
Cypress High School