In order to connect with more talented writers, the J Student Reporters program is extending the deadline for submitting applications for the next semester until July 8. All high school students are invited to join this highly enriching program that goes beyond writing instruction to impart impactful life skills on its participants. Below, find testimony from one such participant, editor Yegene Joyce Lee:

To say that the J Student Reporters program has been important to my high school education would be an understatement. It would be more accurate to say that it has been essential in shaping me as a person and a writer during the most formative years of my life.
As a high achieving student, I have been used to being coddled and praised by adults for doing slightly better than my peers. However, JSR has shown me my limits and told me to do better, thereby having a heavy hand in making me better.
This professionalism and standard of expectation for students has become one of the most rewarding aspects in my participation in the program. In tracking my progress over my two years as a student reporter, I see what I have discovered about my perspective on the world. The value behind this experience surpasses most other influences in my life, especially in my formation as a writer.
Being able to look beyond the narrow scope of my studies and reach out to those who see their surroundings in completely different manners has extended beyond my capabilities as a journalist to transform the way I see the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that JSR has played a significant role in my development as a person.
This past semester was my first as an editor, and the new position brought multiple challenges I had not faced as a student reporter. However, I found that facing and surmounting these challenges was rewarding.
The tasks required of editors in the JSR program include not only simple editing, but also leadership, responsibility, and management. In serving as an editor, I was able to expand my ability in critically reading the writing of my peers, a skill that proves extremely useful when it comes to being able to analyze my own writing. The comments I made for my group members extended beyond simple technical edits to getting down to the core of the article, and I hope this skill also proved useful to helping my group members improve over the course of this semester.
The group project completed in April helped me to expand, improve, and demonstrate these abilities. Despite the ambitious interviews and comprehensive topic my group covered, I am proud to see that it was completed under my organization and was largely successful.
This coming semester, I hope to go beyond what I accomplished this semester by challenging myself to make improvements to the work that my group completes.
Join Joyce and the other talented JSR students by submitted your application by July 8. The program fees are $500 for new students and $350 for continuing students; this covers the administration cost for five months of the program including field trips and workshops. Continuing students will receive a $50 discount for referring new students to the program.
To find the application form and review the requirements for participation, visit
For more information, call (213) 368-2613 to speak to someone in Korean or (323) 413-7951 to speak to someone in English.