[Source: livingandloving.co.za]
It is said that people need to get all their vaccinations. This is because it is commonly known that by giving a baby all their immunizations by age two fights off serious childhood diseases. There are thousands of cases in which children have got very ill with diseases or lost limbs or parts of their body. Children should be vaccinated because it saves their lives, it’s safe and effective, and it saves money and time for families.
Firstly, getting a couple simple shots as a child can prevent death. As medicine and science develop and advance, we would be protected more than ever. Although many are annoyed by the itchiness, redness, and swelling it causes afterward, this is nothing compared to the discomfort one will feel when one gets a disease. Also, polio, a feared disease, has no more known cases in the US due to vaccinations. Many believe that because polio hasn’t been around for a while, this disease will not come back but there are many possibilities if one does not get their full vaccinations.

[Source: vaccinateyourbaby.org]
Secondly, shots are safe and effective. There are side effects to everything including shots but it is more likely that one will be safe. An example is the flu shot, some will get mildly sick after this shot but it does not come close to what one will feel when actually getting the flu. The CDC “estimates that, among children born in the last 20 years, vaccinations will prevent more than 21 million hospitalizations and 732,000 deaths.” These may seem like a small number compared to the whole world, but every time a shot is taken it leads to a domino effect.
Every shot we take is scheduled around the time we need it, for example, flu shots are usually taken as the winter season approaches. The John Hopkins Magazine even states that , “Two doses of MMR, or the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine, for example, provides about 99% protection against measles.” This proves that shots actually are very safe and do work.
Lastly, vaccinations do not only prevent death but also saves money and time. By just getting about five vaccinations during one’s childhood, one is not prone to diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Since vaccinations prevent these diseases, one will not have to pay expenses for hospital treatment or possibly have to face death. To treat a disease, like tetanus, costs around $549.17 through $15,090.49 while vaccinations as a baby will cost $5-15 a shot. It would definitely be easier if one took a couple of shots, taking at the most ten minutes, than having lifelong permanent damage.
Overall, vaccinations are very helpful and beneficial. People who take vaccinations as a baby live a longer, healthier life. Taking shots as a baby saves lives, is effective and beneficial, and saves time and money for people.
Jasmin Song, Grade 9
Academy of the Canyons