Duc Huynh practically lives in the water.
Tag: Irvine
Beckman Adds New Building
The Irvine-area school has become quite overcrowded.
Device Ban Contradicts BYOD
The policy needs to be updated.
Irvine Fest Spreads K-Culture
Korean culture shined at the May 18 Irvine Korean Cultural Festival.
Irvine Bake Sale Helps N. Korea
After a successful [NK]-24 campaign in 2012, churches in Irvine are again raising money to help North Koreans.
Irvine High Stages Dance Concert
The Irvine High School dance department presented its fall semester concert from Jan. 17-19.
Jennifer Donnelly, Travel Teacher
Most people only dream of studying abroad—let alone of traveling across Europe. But Irvine High School humanities teacher Jennifer Donnelly has been there, done that.