On June 1, 2012, the North Hollywood High School Highly Gifted Magnet’s seniors attended a junior-sponsored event called Senior Night at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center. There, seniors were treated to a 1950’s-themed party complete with singers, picture booths, games, party favors, and junior presentations to the seniors.
A 20-year tradition, Senior Night is an annual event in the Highly Gifted Magnet where juniors create a themed party for seniors. Past themes have included the circus and a train murder mystery. Juniors are assigned seniors for whom they give a short introduction and presentation, and to whom they give memorable gifts.
A few weeks earlier, the juniors dressed themselves in beachwear and diving equipment and handed out invitations in the form of messages and treasure maps in bottles to the seniors. Because of this, the seniors believed that the theme for the event would be related to a treasure hunt. As senior Andrew Char said, “I thought the team had something to do with treasure… as the invitation was a treasure map. The actual theme, though, was unexpected. The invitation was a throwoff.”
Char went on to say that the event was simply great. His favorite part, he said, was when Leonard Shaw, a junior, and a group of three other juniors dressed as the singing group The Four Seasons sang “Sherry.” “It’s important,” Char said, “because it gives seniors a nice treat before leaving. It allows a chance for seniors and juniors to get to know each other better, and it is a fun event overall for everybody.”
The juniors who hosted the event this year will themselves be the seniors invited next year, and this year’s sophomores, or next year’s juniors, will be the ones to host it. Next year’s hosts will be led by a small group of sophomores who were invited to this year’s event to see what Senior Night is like. Robert Hu, a junior, said “Senior Night was definitely an exciting and interesting night, where the seniors and juniors took a step closer to each other. An event planned out by the juniors, it was a perfect opportunity to relax after AP season and to spend a final meaningful afternoon with the graduating seniors.”
Hu’s favorite part was the presentations. “They were definitely the best part of the night,” said Hu. “The bonding seen between every junior and senior before the seniors left for college was touching and humorous as well. Every presentation was captivating to watch, as juniors and seniors exchanged their last goodbyes. The presentation was something I enjoyed giving to my senior, and I am looking forward to it myself next year.”