From February 7th to 10th, the International School of Myanmar (SM) held the AISA Leadership Conference involving three other schools: Senri-Osaka International School (SOIS), Korea International School (KIS), and Seoul International School (SIS). This conference was held to foster leadership among student representatives of each school through sessions in which students discussed qualities of leaders and action plans that can be taken to strengthen leadership.
The participants, two to six people from each school, discovered their weaknesses and strengths as leaders. The students were assigned into different groups to share their thoughts on leadership and analyze inspirational leaders to incorporate those qualities into their own styles. Students from the different schools got to learn from each other and realize what type of leadership other schools use.
ISM 12th grader Sharon Min exclaimed, “I got some different insights into leadership from Korean and Japanese students. I got to see the positive sides of being ‘democratic’ as opposed to the inefficiency that I usually see here because people veer off the task at hand. I also got some good ideas from other students’ accounts of their experience as leaders, and I’m keeping that in store for future use.”
Students also had the opportunity to travel to a unique country, Myanmar, and experience a new culture.
The Student Council president of SOIS, Benedict Song in 12th grade, said, “Our trip to Myanmar was an eye-opening experience, especially in the cultural sense. The opportunity of getting to meet new people outside of Japan gave me a new perspective on the world around us and my own personal life back at home.”