Throughout the years, the NBA playoffs have given basketball fans a sense of camaraderie and enjoyment, as well as competitiveness and despair. With these NBA teams desperately fighting for the coveted championship ring, players try their best to give it their all. This year in particular, the NBA playoffs have given fans a sight to…
Tag: NBA
Kevin Durant Signs with Warriors
Kevin Durant has left his Oklahoma City Thunders and has joined the Golden State Warriors. Durant’s intentions in changing teams after this NBA season is not quite known, but the reactions to his new team and Durant’s final decision has stirred up many different reactions. Some like it, some think it’s selfish, and others just want to see the results in the upcoming season.
Lakers’ Season Has Rough Start
The team has fallen far from its former glory.
Jeremy Lin: The behind-story of “Linsanity”, and what we can learn from it
If I told you I can make you famous in less than a week, would you believe me? Most people will question my claim and dismiss it as a spurious remark. But just like the saying goes, “Nothing is Impossible”. Not on the National Basketball Association, at least. In less than a week, Jeremy Lin,…